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Hair Mechanix Near Novi

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Did you know we have Hair Mechanix locations near Novi?
Novi to Hair Mechanix Livonia
People often call Hair Mechanix to ask if we have any stores in Novi. Hair Mechanix has eleven locations in Michigan with more on the way. At this time, however, we do not have a Hair Mechanix in Novi. Although this may be a disappointment for some, men looking for a haircut can find a location just a few miles away.

Hair Mechanix Near Novi

So, what stores are close to Novi, Michigan? The nearest store to this city is our Livonia location! This store is right off of W 8 Mile Road, a short drive via  I-96 to exit off of M-5 in Farmington (about 11 minutes). This location is right next to a local Krogers, meaning you can get some grocery shopping done on the same trip. This Hair Mechanix is also a short drive away from Riley Skate Park and Founders Park! However, if you don’t want to go to this store, there are others!

Hair Mechanix Near Novi
Although it is a bit further than our Livonia spot, Hair Mechanix Westland is always an amazing place to visit. This location is home to the first Hair Mechanix! Our Westland store is located right off Ford Road, near its intersection with Newburgh Road. Settled in the heart of Westland, people can easily access Canton and Garden City from there. That means that our guests can go experience everything that these cities have to offer!

Alternatively, you can go west and get the best barber shop services when you visit the Hair Mechanix in Brighton. The Brighton Hair Mechanix can be found directly off I-23, next to Panera Bread. The Green Oaks Village Place shopping mall is nearby, offering a variety of shopping options. Regardless of which Hair Mechanix you go to, you can expect top-of-the-line haircare services from our superstars!

Join the Hair Mechanix Franchise!

All of our locations provide top-tier haircare services from professional stylists. We have an extensive list of services that people can enjoy to help them achieve their best selves! You can schedule an appointment through our booking software!

Although Hair Mechanix does not have a location in Novi, it doesn’t mean a location won’t be coming soon. In fact, our company is looking for franchisees to open new stores! With your assistance, we can open brand new barbershops in Novi, Northville, Farmington Hills, and other Michigan cities. However, you are not limited to Michigan. We have franchisees in Pennslyvania and Florida with new locations in Ohio coming soon! Find out how you can join the Hair Mechanix family today!

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